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Date Posted: 01/20/2025
Category: General

Lee County Sheriff's Office badge overlaid on American and Texas flags.


Sheriff Garrett Durrenberger


1/13/2025 - 1/19/2025

Jan 13, 2025

Vehicle unlock on Cherry Dr.

Deputy took information report for theft of service on CR 130.

Deputy checked on reported suspicious vehicle parked in Dime Box.

Jan 14, 2025

Deputies assisted with traffic control for a School Bus that was down for maintenance on FM 112.

Deputy responded to a minor crash on CR 309.

Deputy spoke with a complainant about a stolen bike from an address on CR 217.

911 caller reported a reckless driver in an 18 wheeler on Hwy 290 East. Deputies located and stopped the vehicle for violations. Driver was arrested and booked into Lee County Jail for DWI.

Deputy responded to FM 448 for report of suspicious gray car. Vehicle gone upon arrival.

Deputies stopped a vehicle on Dickson St. A subsequent investigation resulted in one male subject arrested and transported to Lee County Jail for DWI and Unlawful Carry.

Jan 15, 2024

Sergeant met with offender for sex offender registry update requirement.

Vehicle unlock on PR 3462.

Deputy responded to FM 2239 for report of suspicious activity. Two males in a white truck with a lightning bolt on the door were trying to sell "leftover" paving materials. Vehicle was not located. Beware of these type of encounters, as they are often trying to take advantage of citizens. Feel free to let them know you are calling the sheriff's office - and then please do.

CID Investigators, Deputies, and Pct. 2 Constable made warrant arrest in Giddings. One male booked into Lee County Jail on local warrant for Possession of Controlled Substance.

Deputy met with complainant to investigate report of stolen property from FM 180.

Deputies investigated a minor crash on CR 327 where fence damage was located.

Jan 16, 2025

Deputy conducted a requested welfare check on CR 316.

Deputy conducted a requested welfare check on FM 141.

Deputies and CID Investigator responded to meet with juvenile in regard to an investigation of a threat made against Dime Box ISD. No charges to be filed. Extra Deputies present for school the next morning - even though there was no threat.

Jan 17, 2025

Deputy spoke with complainant in regard to terroristic threat in Dime Box.

The on-duty School Resource Deputy was summoned to Lexington Elementary School for a suspicious item that was found. The illegal substance was seized by the Deputy. Investigation continues...

Deputy responded to CR 132 for a requested welfare check.

Deputy and CID Sergeant met with a complainant in regard to an assault.

Deputy checked on a suspicious vehicle parked off of CR 327. Deputies also checked a nearby house to make sure there was no offense committed. Driver was awaiting for help with flat tire.

Deputies responded to an assault at a residence on Avenue E. The suspect was located leaving the scene. A subsequent investigation resulted in a criminal trespass warning being issued.

Deputies assisted at the scene of a major fatality crash at SH 21/CR 440.

Jan 18, 2025

Deputy met with complainant in regard to 11 head missing livestock from 7000 block FM 141.

Deputy made a traffic stop at FM 696/FM 112 for violation. Driver was found to have outstanding out-of-county warrant. Subject arrested and booked into Lee County Jail.

Deputies assisted DPS Troopers with minor crash, where driver was arrested for DWI.

Deputy spoke with parties on Cherry Dr. in regard to child custody.

Deputies responded to CR 133 to assist with a juvenile matter.

Deputies patrolled CR 226 after report of suspicious white/silver SUV parked in a driveway.

Deputy assisted GPD at 100 block of W. Austin St. with a male subject who was starting fights and refused to leave the establishment.

Jan 19, 2025

Deputies responded to a verbal altercation at a residence on Blaha Ave. Parties separated, no offense.

Motorist reported hay bale blocking roadway on CR 130. Deputy responded to check it out and the hay was removed from the roadway.

Deputy conducted a requested welfare check on PR 4041.

Caller reported possible trespasser on property on CR 117. Sergeant made a search of the property but did not locate anyone.

Deputies initiated 101 traffic enforcement stops, made 40 security checks, and responded to 12 animal/loose livestock calls.

Thank you to everyone for supporting your local law enforcement. You have our back and we have yours. Your sheriff's office is always open for business and prepared to respond to the needs of our citizens and guests.

Respectfully yours,

Garrett Durrenberger

Sheriff, Lee County